
The Two Principal Assignments of a Territorial Christian

by evangelist solomon salami

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Territorial Christianity
  3. The First Assignment: Bringing the Administration of the Kingdom
  4. The Second Assignment: Defending the Territory Against Intruders
  5. The Role of Christians as Ambassadors
  6. Identifying Your Place in God’s Agenda
  7. Conclusion


As Christians, we are not merely followers of Christ but representatives of His Kingdom. A territorial Christian embodies this role, carrying out two principal assignments: bringing the administration of God’s Kingdom and defending spiritual territories against intruders. These roles are essential for manifesting God’s authority on earth and ensuring His will is done. Let us delve into these two assignments and their significance in the life of every believer.

Understanding Territorial Christianity

A territorial Christian is someone who actively represents Jesus Christ in every sphere of life. This person lives with the awareness that they are ambassadors of God’s Kingdom, sent to establish His presence wherever they are. Whether you are a teacher, lawyer, businessperson, or student, your primary identity is as a Christian, and your role is to reflect God’s Kingdom.

The First Assignment: Bringing the Administration of the Kingdom

The first assignment of a territorial Christian is to bring the administration of God’s Kingdom to their environment. As ambassadors, Christians represent the values, principles, and authority of God’s Kingdom. This means wherever you are—whether in a classroom, office, or home—your primary duty is to manifest God’s governance.

For example, a teacher’s role goes beyond teaching arithmetic. They must ensure that the principles of God’s Kingdom, such as love, integrity, and discipline, are evident in their interactions with students. If every Christian embraced this perspective, the devil’s influence in our environments would diminish significantly.

The Bible calls us ambassadors of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). Just as a nation’s ambassador acts on behalf of their government, Christians act on behalf of God. This representation carries authority, ensuring that whatever is decreed in God’s name aligns with His will and is backed by Heaven.

The Second Assignment: Defending the Territory Against Intruders

The second principal assignment is to defend the territory against intruders. A territorial Christian stands guard over their environment, ensuring that spiritual attacks, demonic influences, and evil forces are kept at bay. This responsibility is akin to a watchman—someone who vigilantly protects their assigned domain.

Imagine a classroom where a Christian teacher identifies disruptive spiritual influences. Their duty as a territorial Christian is to pray, intercede, and declare God’s authority over that space. Intruders, whether spiritual or physical, have no right to dominate territories governed by God’s representatives.

Jesus’ words in John 20:21, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you,” highlight our mandate. When we operate in the authority of the One who sent us, the enemy’s power diminishes, and God’s Kingdom advances.

The Role of Christians as Ambassadors

Christians are not ordinary individuals; they are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. This identity implies that we operate under the authority of the King we represent. Just as a national ambassador’s actions are backed by their government, a Christian’s actions, decrees, and prayers are backed by Heaven.

For example, an ambassador cannot act on personal whims but must align with the directives of their sending nation. Similarly, Christians must align their actions and decisions with God’s Word. When we fully understand this role, our confidence in executing God’s assignments grows.

Identifying Your Place in God’s Agenda

As we approach significant times in history, such as the years 2025 to 2030, it is crucial for Christians to identify their place in God’s agenda. The Bible highlights that God gives different gifts to His people (Ephesians 4:11). Whether you are called to be an apostle, prophet, teacher, or helper, every role contributes to God’s grand plan.

To find your place:

  1. Pray for revelation: Ask God to reveal your unique role in His Kingdom.
  2. Identify your strengths: Reflect on your spiritual gifts and abilities.
  3. Seek mentorship: Learn from seasoned believers who can guide you in your journey.


Every Christian has a divine mandate to represent God’s Kingdom on earth. As territorial Christians, our principal assignments are to administer the Kingdom and defend our territories against spiritual intruders. By embracing our identity as ambassadors and finding our place in God’s agenda, we fulfill our purpose and bring glory to His name. Stand firm in your authority, and let the world witness the power of God through you.

by Evangelist Solomon Salami



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